Members of the Board of Directors
The CEO, inside and outside directors are selected by the general shareholders' meeting based on the recommendation of the Board and the Outside Director Candidates Recommendation Committee, respectively.
Inside Directors
Young Shub Kim
- First Appointed 2023.08
- Term 2023.08 ~ 2026.AGM
- Career in Brief
- Current) CEO
- Former) CEO, LG CNS
- Former) CFO, LG U+
Chang-Seok Seo
- First Appointed 2023.08
- Term 2023.08 ~ 2026.AGM
- Career in Brief
- Current) Senior Executive Vice President, Network Group
- Former) Executive Vice President, Jeonnam / Jeonbuk Regional Headquarter
- Former) Senior Vice President, Network Strategy Unit
Outside Directors
Jong Soo Yoon
Board Chairman
- First Appointed 2023.06
- Term 3 years(2023.06 ~ 2026. AGM)
- Career in Brief
- Current) Senior Adviser, Kim & Chang Legal Office
- Current) Member, The Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth
- Former) Vice Minister, Ministry of Environment
Yong-Hun Kim
- First Appointed 2022.03
- Term 3 years(2022.03 ~ 2025. AGM)
- Career in Brief
- Current) Partner Lawyer, DR&AJU Law Firm co.
- Current) Audit Committee Member, Community Chest of Korea
- Former) Secretary General, Constitutional Court of Korea
YangHee Choi
- First Appointed 2023.06
- Term 3 years(2023.06 ~ 2026. AGM)
- Career in Brief
- Current) President, Hallym Univ.
- Current) Vice Chairman, PACST
(The Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology)
- Former) Minister, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
- Former) Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National Univ.
Woo-Young Kwak
- First Appointed 2023.06
- Term 2 years(2023.06 ~ 2025. AGM)
- Career in Brief
- Former) Seoul National Univ, Graduate School of Engineering Practice, Visiting Professor
- Former) Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Vehicle IT Fusion & Innovation Center, Chairman of Steering Committee
- Former)Hyundai Motor Company, Vehicle IT Development Center, Executive Vice President
Yeong Kyun Ahn
- First Appointed 2023.06
- Term 3 years(2023.06 ~ 2026. AGM)
- Career in Brief
- Current) Board member of IFAC
- Former) Vice President of Research and Administration of KICPA
- Former) Member of IAESB
Seung Hoon Lee
- First Appointed 2023.06
- Term 2 years(2023.06 ~ 2025. AGM)
- Career in Brief
- Current) Member of the Steering Committee
- Korea Investment Corporation(KIC)
- Current) Kyung Hee University System Director
- Former) SK / SK Telecom / SK Gas M&A & growth strategy, Executive Vice President
- Former) JP Morgan Head of Korea Research Center
Seongcheol Kim
- First Appointed 2023.06
- Term 2 years(2023.06 ~ 2025. AGM)
- Career in Brief
- Current) Professor, School of Media and Communication, Korea Univ.
- Current) Outside Senior Director, KCA
- Current) Board Member, International Telecommunications Society(ITS)
Seung Ah Theresa Cho
- First Appointed 2023.06
- Term 3 years(2023.06 ~ 2026. AGM)
- Career in Brief
- Current) Professor, Strategic Management and International Business, Seoul National Univ. Business School
- Current) Harvard Alumni Association Board Director
- Former) Vice President of International Affairs, Seoul National Univ.
- Former) Vice President of Korean Society of Strategic Management