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KT pursues economic reliability and manages transparent companies.

  • Governance structure
  • Ethics/Compliance
  • Integrated risk management

    Consolidated Risk Management

    In 2004, KT installed an exclusive risk management organization to promote consolidated risk management across the company and has expanded the practice to business departments and fields. Also, the company re-established a risk management system with a comprehensive plan in 2014, to minimize companywide risks and manages 5 risks in strategy, finance, operations, regulations and incident together. To cope with possible risks efficiently, the company establishes preventive measures and consequence management process by risk, assigns risk owners and lets them take responsibility for proactive and reactive responses, and organizes a task force and lets them deal with major risks when they occur.

    Risk Management and Response Process
    • Proactive Risk Management
      Always try to detect and analyze possible risks
      and minimize occurrence of risk by taking appropriate control.
      In charge
      Each department, always
    • Response to Risk
      If an expected risk is realized,
      the risk management will lead corresponding action.
      In charge
      Risk management, if a risk occurs

    Expected Risk,Risk Occurred image. Stage: Detect, Analyze, Control, Recognize, Respond, Evaluate, KM*. Control and KM are feed back to Detect.

    * KM (Knowledge Management): to database all information produced in the process of recognizing, responding and assessing risks and use it to manage and address risks afterwards.