KT pursues economic reliability and manages transparent companies.
KT operates an ethical violation reporting channel to foster a healthy corporate culture.
If you witness any misconduct related to KT employees' job responsibilities and report it, we will take prompt action while ensuring the confidentiality of the whistleblower's identity.
To report any misconduct related to KT employees' job responsibilities, please submit your report through the Ethical Violation Reporting Channel(Speak up) provided below. Reports can be submitted with real names or anonymously. Reports that provide specific details and clear evidence are greatly helpful for our swift investigations.
[Subject to Report]Website | kt.com(eng) > Sustainability > Governance(G) > Ethics/Compliance > Speak up |
ethics@kt.com | |
Postal mail | KT Office of Ethical Management 33 Jong-ro 3-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03155 Korea |
You can check the status and progress of your previously submitted online reports.